• Safeguarding (Child Protection)

    “Safeguarding” refers to measures designed to protect the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals. These measures allow children, young people and adults at risk to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.

    Every organisation that works with children must have a defined policy and be aware of their responsibilities.

  • Health & Safety

    We have a legal responsibility to provide a safe childcare setting and a safe workplace for our staff and volunteers.

    Our health and safety procedures help us to quantify, manage and reduce or eliminate risk, have defined rules that everyone works to and make sure that we have high standards that are above what is expected of us as a legal minimum.

  • Duty of Candour

    The organisational duty of candour procedure is a legal duty which sets out how organisations should tell those affected that an unintended or unexpected incident appears to have caused harm or death. They are required to apologise and to meaningfully involve them in a review of what happened.

    We are required to publish both a Policy and an Annual Report each year and you can read the 2022 report here.

  • Complaints

    In an ideal world, any issues would be resolved quickly and as close as possible to the point of origin through good communication! However, we recognise the need for a formal Complaints Policy in order to ensure fairness and consistency in how we handle such matters. You can find our Complaints Policy below and more guidance in our FAQ section on the About Us page.